I would just like to say something here. Ever since this movie came out, everyone’s been complaining about how there are not enough Harry and Ron moments, how they don’t show their friendship as much as they should, etc. etc. But just take a moment to look at this scene. Look at how Ron’s slowly advancing towards Harry and Hermione. He wants to hug Harry, hold him tight for what he believes would be the last time he ever sees Harry, that boy in the Hogwarts Express who shared a compartment with him, that boy who never showed him down even though he was The Boy Who Lived, that boy who had grown to be like his own brother. Look at how broken they are. Harry glances up at him, Ron looks him in the eye… then for a few fleeting moments he is forced to stare down because he feels too many things at once. He’s sure that if he hugs Harry, the floodgates would open and he can’t let that happen now. Because if it did, he would stop Harry and they will fail. They realize that this war is much bigger than both of them. That’s why they hold back. At least, that’s my take. They don’t hug because they can’t, because that would change everything and they can’t afford that right now. I will forever stan the storybook friendship that’s Harry and Ron.
by camila on Nov.22, 2009, under
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